Personal Property Auctions
The Canby Beauchane Farm Auction with John Deere 5100M Tractor, Diesel Kubota RTV-X1140, WillMar Articulated Loader, Prune-Rite tower, Power tools, Machinery, Laithe, tools, wrenches, benches, woodworking and more.
Great farm auction sale July 21st @ 4pm (PT)
2012 John Deere 5100M Tractor Excellent condition with under 1150 hours
*Willmar articulated Loader/Wrangler 4500
*Kubota RTV X-1140 ; Full-Size Diesel Utility Vehicle seats up to 4 adults
*Prune-Rite self powered Purning Tower with hydraulics at bucket
2018 Echo Trailer 3500lbs. cap. 16',Generators, Welder, Yard machines, Petroliana, Antique Gas Pumps(Premium Richfield - Tokheim, Mobilgas - Bennett), Grapple, Pak-Flail, Bale spear, Forks, Live traps, Floor air hoist table, Husqvarna Tiller Cultivator Powerful 33cc 2-Cycle Engine, Husqvarna pressure Washer with soap dispenser and nozzle, Ge Fridge/Freezer, Paint, Compressor, Food Dryer, Bradley Smoker, lots of Milwaukee battery op tools, Wood working machines, Bandsaws, Lathe, Dust Collectors, Break Press, Tree Trimming tools, Logging Spring boards, Pesticides, Hand tools, Air Operated Motorcycle/ ATV Lift Table and much much more.......
Auction Preview address 29600 S. Dryland Road Canby, OR 97013
Auction Preview Sat. July 15th 9am-6pm and Sun. July 16th 9am-4pm
Auction at
Canby Farm Auction click through to link for the address of Auction Previews.